Eating Fewer Calories Than You Burn DOES NOT Guarantee Weight Loss

Eating fewer calories than you burn does not guarantee weight loss. The old saying “calories in calories out” is not accurate.

I understand why you think that because this is a common belief in the dieting world. When you go on a diet, one of the first instructions is to count your calories to ensure a daily deficit to lose weight.

Do some people who burn more calories than they take in lose weight? Sure.

Does everyone who eats fewer calories lose weight? Unfortunately, no.

Eating fewer calories than you burn does NOT guarantee weight loss. You could eat very few calories, almost starving yourself, and not lose weight.

So what do you do? You adapt your body to burn fat. Let me show you how to do that.

How to adapt your body to burn fat

Step 1:  Eat fewer carbs and more fat. 

Eating fewer carbs and more healthy fats teaches your body to burn fat for energy, which can be helpful when you’re trying to lose weight because it helps your body use stored fat instead of storing more fat. It’s like your body becomes a fat-burning machine!

Step 2: Appetite suppressant. (Helps you to eat fewer calories than you burn)

The ketogenic diet has appetite-suppressing effects. Consuming more healthy fats and moderate protein can promote satiety, reducing hunger cravings and overall caloric intake. Eating more healthy fats can be beneficial during weight loss efforts, as it may help you to adhere to a calorie deficit without feeling excessively deprived or hungry. In addition, eating fewer calories than you burn may be able to minimize metabolic adaptations that aim to conserve energy.

Step 3: Preservation of Lean Body Mass: 

One common concern during weight loss is the potential loss of lean muscle mass. However, some studies suggest that the keto diet and resistance training may help preserve muscle mass during calorie restriction. This preservation of lean body mass can help sustain metabolic rate and reduce the extent of metabolic adaptation that typically occurs during weight loss. In addition, gaining more muscle mass helps burn more calories.

Step 4: Balancing Blood Sugar: 

The keto diet can help balance blood sugar levels. When you eat fewer carbs, your blood sugar doesn’t spike as much, which is good for your overall health. Stable blood sugar levels can also help you feel more energized throughout the day. Balancing your blood sugar also help you not to feel “low,” where you may want to eat sugary foods or drink coffee for a pick-me-up.

So let me ask: do you want to continue focusing all your time and effort on counting calories, losing weight slowly, or not seeing any results? Or are you ready to start losing body fat and lose weight fast?

Do you want to continue believing that eating fewer calories than you burn guarantees weight loss, or do you want to adapt your body to burn fat and lose weight? The choice is yours. Do you want to stay stuck in your weight loss journey, wondering why the weight won’t come off?

Get a free download, “Kickstart Your Metabolism: A Beginner’s Guide to Keto”


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